About me
- I'm an IT Professional with experience working for private companies, government and nonprofit organizations
- I have expertise doing analysis, developing and implementation of information systems, databases, web applications and mobile applications
- Specialist in implementation of solutions based on Free Libre Open Source Software (FLOSS), as GNU/Linux servers and others FLOSS applications. I used to be the Linux User #380133
- Having long experience as IT instructor
- Interested in: R&D of new technologies, developing and acquisition of new knowledge to align ITs with strategies and goals of the business

- Master degree in Free Libre Software from Universitat Oberta de Catalunya (Spain)
- Computer engineer from Universidad Nacional de Ingeniería (Nicaragua)
- Android ATC Certified Application Engineer
- Oracle Certified Expert, Java EE 6 Web Component Developer
- EC-Council Certified Secure Programmer - Java v8
- Oracle Certified Professional, Java SE 6 Programmer
- Android ATC Certified Trainer
Denis José Torres Guadamuz
A full resume can be found at LinkedIn.
Master degree in Free Libre Software
2009 - 2010
Universitat Oberta de Catalunya (Spain)
Management of GNU/Linux systems, including installation and setup of web servers, database management systems, and development of applications using free/libre tools and resources.
Introduction to finance
2011 - 2011
Universidad Politécnica de Nicaragua (Nicaragua)
It provides basic knowledge about financial concepts, creates skills to takes decisions understanding and evaluating financial problems, and identifying the most convenient investment alternatives for a company.
Computer engineer
2001 - 2005
Universidad Nacional de Ingeniería (Nicaragua)
IT professional degree, with knowledge related to software development, databases, sysadmin, networking, and servers.
I got recognition as the best student at the university in 2004.
Organizational change for effective management
The dynamic of change in people and organizations, to diagnose problematic situations and implementation of change process to improve the organization, giving special emphasis to team working.
Professional Experience
Java EE developer
Nov 2015 - Present
This is a private company, provider of a commodity management software, raw material, ingredient and service sourcing platforms for the agricultural, metal, food and beverage industries.
IT Trainer
Sep 2012 - Present
TECNASA U Learning Centers, formerly known as New Horizons Computer Learning Centers
It is provider of world-class learning solutions for companies, teams and individuals, through face-to-face and online delivery methods.
Consultant for Analysis and Development of Software
Jun 2011 – Oct 2015
Public Financial Management Modernization project for Nicaragua (PMSAF-MHCP)
This was a project financed by the World Bank, the Inter-American Development Bank, the European Union and coordinated by Economy Ministry of Nicaragua. The objective was to enhance the efficiency, performance orientation, and transparency of the public expenditures management.
Consultant for Analysis and Development of Software
Jul 2007 – May 2011
Dirección General de Tecnología de Nicaragua (DGTEC-MHCP)
I participated in the multi-functional team that developed the Government's Inventory Management System.
Developer of Informations Systems and Sysadmin
Mar 2006 – May 2007
Grupo Informático TI Consultores
I worked doing analysis, design, and implementation of consulting projects, mainly the ones related to developing and installation of software, training, and lastly as sysadmin of GNU/Linux servers.
2003 – 2011
Universidad Centroamericana (UCA)
Universidad Nacional de Ingeniería (UNI)
Planning and teaching IT courses mainly oriented to professional people.
Hobbies and interests
I have taught since my classmates in high school asked me for help to understand the maths class.
I like to spend time with people that like to learn makes me also learn more.
Plant something is a nice activity, sometimes dirty but gratifying when fruits come up.
At the university I meet The Gimp a great software to create, manipulate, or improve images, now I like to use it.
I like biking just for fun, I have never been to a competition.
It is also a nice way to spend time with family.
Hiking is also a great family activity.
Outdoor activities are very healthy in many ways.
Fresh air is priceless.
Who does not like to play soccer?
In high school, I was a member of the athletic club, since then I like to run, mainly for healthy.
I'm also an electronic hobbyist, my last project was to install my own solar panel system.
It's a small array of 265 watts of power, enough for a home office.
Let's talk
I'm always interested in working on new projects. So feel free to contact me using the options below.